Searching for fast and easy payday loans in South Africa? Apply for payday loans at and get the money you need in minutes today! Whatever your cash needs may be this loan will solve them for you. We will help you find payday loans with the best terms and rates suiting your funds needs.
Fast Approval Process of Payday Loans in South Africa
To help you meet your urgent short-term financial needs promptly, Cash Wallet has developed a quick and efficient money arrangement process. Once you fill out our online application form with all the necessary details, it is reviewed by our expert counsellors. If additional information is needed, they will contact you immediately. Once your application is complete, it is sent to lenders for fast approval. Upon approval, the money is transferred to your account almost instantly. This entire process is managed smoothly and takes a few minutes. You will most likely receive the funds within a few hours of submitting your application.
Flexible Repayment Terms
Payday loans without credit checks are designed to address your urgent financial needs for a short duration. Lenders typically offer a repayment period ranging from 2-4 weeks to 3 months. You can borrow between R400 and R4000 as short term loans.